Anyone that has visited The Jungle over the last 15 years will more than likely have come across Jacko one of our longest serving full time members of staff.
His fantastic approach to guests is one of the things that makes him stand out. Jacko is currently undergoing full reconstructive surgery of his right hip following a failed hip replacement back in December so we all wish him a full and speedy recovery.
In the meantime The Jungle would just not be the same without a Jackson so Lizzy Jackson has joined us on a 3 month contract following her completion of a 3 years BA Honours degree course in Early Childhood Studies
Lizzy has taken on the role of internet educator as she is only 21 years old she just gets it unlike the older generation in the office (myself well and truly included) so she has taken on the mantle of FACEBOOK administrator and Jungle Drums Newsletter Publisher and its flying, so welcome to the team Lizzy and keep up the good work!!
If you want to be part of the great Adrenalin Facbook Group then find us here