The Old Market Square became The Adrenalin Jungle’s latest playground on Wednesday 18th November. The Victoria Centre Ice Arena was the location for a company head to head challenge between teams from Trent FM, Experience Nottinghamshire and The National Ice Centre Nottingham.
The 3 teams took part in the 3 unique ‘on ice’ challenges with great enthusiasm as well as trepidation!
Challenge Number 1 was a Zorb Race used like a hamster ball where the contestants had to move the zorb as far as they could in 4 minutes with the winning team completing 225 metres.
Challenge Number 2 was a Reindeer Relay on purpose built Space Hopper Reindeers, teams had to race to the corners of the rink to collect a present then race back to the Santa Sack in the middle and be the first to deliver their present.
Challenge Number 3 was a Santa Skate off – dressed in our unique Santa Sumo suits each team had to nominate a skater who had to skate round the rink collecting presents half way round delivering them at the end.  





For more information on our Christmas Activities or to book an ‘On Ice’ activity give The Adrenalin Jungle a call.