The Adrenalin Jungle was proud to play host to a delegation of young people from Russia who were attending a Robin Hood Camp.

28 students and 6 staff took part in our Jungle Combo which obviously included Archery in the heart of Sherwood Forest.

All communications had been via email up until the group arrived with us on Tuesday the 9th of August and we would like to congratulate the organisers of the event, especially Xenia Bejenar for the fantastic co ordination and communication.

The group arrived on time to the minute, all those attending had completed all paper work prior to arrival, teams had been formed with an even spread of ages ability’s and English / Russian speaker so all could be kept up to speed with what was happening.

Whilst the above may not sound that impressive, to us compared to some youth groups traveling to us locally, it’s amazing!



If you have a large youth group, school or college to entertain let The Adrenalin Jungle take the strain.

Check out The Jungle Combo options at the link.